Elder To Comcast: It's Hammer Time!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I imagine that all of us, at one time or another, have received the run-around on the phone by incompetent customer service representatives. This Washington Post story was too good to pass up:
"Shaw storms in the company's office. BAM! She whacks the keyboard of the customer service rep. BAM! Down goes the monitor. BAM! She totals the telephone. People scatter, scream, cops show up and what does she do? POW! A parting shot to the phone!"
" 'They cuffed me right then,' she says."
"Her take on Comcast: "'What a bunch of sub-moronic imbeciles.'"
While parts of Shaw's story may seem humorous, it really isn't funny. Shaw's story really resonated with me. First, the staff in the Comcast office assumed that because Shaw and her husband are elders that they could push them around: ignore them and leave them sitting outside the office in the sun in August.
Second, I've had my own problems this week with Comcast: snowy cable TV reception TV channels which shut off intermittently. Not one but three Comcast technicians arrived Wednesday evening (after Comcast sent a confirmation that a technician would arrive between 11am - 2pm) to fix the problems. My TV service is better, but the reception still gets snowy at times on some channels. I thought that the chief benefit of cable is better TV reception versus over-the-air broadcasts.
I think that I'll spend more time at the Comcast Must Die blog, especially since Comcast practices Internet data discrimination by arbitrarily blocking some customers' usage.
After reading the Washington Post article, I began to wonder if the poor data security efforts by many companies to protect the sensitive personal data of former employees is also rooted in the same ageism Shaw experienced. What do you think?