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CNN Data Doctor: When Criminals Take Over Your Web Mail Account

I'd like to thanks Bruce for alerting me to this CNN video.

A lot of people use Web mail because of its convenience. Criminals use Web mail too, but not in the way you might expect. Criminals will try to take over your Web mail account. Why? One, they can use it to send spam. Two and more likely, they hope to use your sign-in information (e.g., Web mail username and password) to access your financial and bank accounts. Simply, that's where your money is... and many people use the same sign-in information for several accounts.

The CNN video includes advice about how to prevent criminals from taking over your Web mail account, and what to do if they've already taken over your account. So, a word to the wise:

There are several posts in I've Been Mugged that can help you with each item listed above.


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