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Use Caution With Bill-To-Your-Cell-Phone Services

Lots of people like to try new services as they become available. It's generally a good idea as those new services can save time, effort, and/or money.

There is a good article at the Consumer Reports website which advises consumers to use caution when using bill-to-your-cellular-phone services. Perhaps, you have heard of the phrase: "digital wallet." There are several services available to pay with your cellular phone.

The magazine recently analyzed wireless carriers' contracts for bill-to-your-cell-phone services, and found:

"... consumer rights can vary widely between wireless carriers and the protections carriers claim to provide are often not spelled out in the contracts..."

The contracts outline consumers rights and responsibilities -- especially when bad things happen (e.g., bill problems, fraud). If the contracts aren't clear or complete, then you may encounter problems. The magazine used several secret shoppers to survey customer service representatives at:

"... Verizon, five from AT&T, and two each from Sprint and T-Mobile... Our test results show that, on average, cell carriers' customer service representatives are not aware of their company's policies."

Again, if the customer service representatives are unfamiliar with their employer's bill-to-your-cell-phone services, then you may encounter difficulty getting any bill problems resolved. Inspect your monthly bills closely for accurate charges.


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Lots of people like to try new services as they become available. It's generally a good idea as those new services can save time, effort, and/or money

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