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6 Threats That Target Consumers' Mobile Devices

If you think that identity thieves and scam aartists have not already targeted your favorite mobile devices, then think again. Dark Reading reported about siz specific threats that target popular mobile devices:

"1. Zitmo - One of the most successful banking Trojans of all time, Zeus, made the jump from PCs to mobile devices through the Zeus-in-the-mobile (Zitmo) spyware application. Prevalent on Android, Zitmo masquerades as a banking activation application and eavesdrops on SMS messages in search of the mobile transaction authentication numbers..."

"2. Mobile Botnets - Since 2009, Perimeter E-Security Research Analyst Grace Zeng has been exploring the possibilities of botnets consisting entirely of mobile devices. Naysayers told her it wasn't feasible, but last month she showed how realistic the possibility is with a presentation at WiSec 2012...:

"5. JiFake - Mobile marketers are loving the convenience of easy-to-scan QR codes to deliver mobile users to their websites and apps through their phones' barcode scanners. Attackers love these codes, too. Researchers are finding that the bad guys are increasingly using the obfuscation of QR codes to trick users into downloading malware..."

To protect yourself and the sensitive data on your smart phone or tablet, experts advise consumers to:

  • Download apps only from trusted websites,
  • Donwload only apps with privacy policies and terms of conditions that you understand and agree with,
  • Keep the anti-virus software on your mobile device updated, just like you do on your laptop or desktop computer, and
  • Password protect your mobile device in case it is lost or stolen.


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Very useful for protect ourselves, I agree author write that:Download apps only from trusted websites,
Donwload only apps with privacy policies and terms of conditions that you understand and agree with,
Keep the anti-virus software on your mobile device updated, just like you do on your laptop or desktop computer, and
Password protect your mobile device in case it is lost or stolen.

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