Giving Thanks Where Thanks Are Due: The Privacy Crusader
Friday, November 23, 2012
Readers of this blog know that I've written about several high-profile data breaches and the class-action lawsuits associated with them. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches here in the United States, it is time to give thanks where thanks are due.
I would like to give a warm, heartfelt thanks to the Privacy Crusader, attorney Joseph Malley, for all of his hard work protecting consumers -- both adults and children. You may not know of all of the cases he has been involved in, and the results:
When the U.S. Congress fails to provide timely, appropriate legislation to protect consumers, it is a perfectly natural result for consumers to band together legally to protect themselves and their sensitive personal information; regardless of companies that insert clauses in their service agreements that limit consumers' rights by preventing class-action suits.
If you are a consumer who has suffered from a company data breach or privacy abuse, you now know who to call.
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Posted by: Diaz | Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 07:31 AM