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Video: Squirrel Steals A Mobile Camera. Here's What You Don't Know

Maybe you've seen the video of a squirrel with a GoPro camera. Besides Youtube, several websites are showing it. If you haven't seen it, watch below (article continues below the video):

What You Don't Know

Accordingly to recently released government documents, the N.S.A. spent $3 million last year evaluating the use of squirrels as spies. The surveillance program was titled, "Nutty About Surveillance."

Not to be outdone, the F.B.I. started a similar, domestic-U.S. program as part of its wired forests initiative. The new program, "Countering Violent Animals," seeks to protect humans from violent, extremist animals. Reportedly, the F.B.I. is also installing GPS-enabled spy cameras on bears, raccoons, and groundhogs.


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