Celebrating 10 Years Online!
Tuesday, August 01, 2017
Better late than never.
The actual tenth anniversary date, July 1st, quietly slipped by. I've been busy and preoccupied with life (e.g., family, vacation prep, new freelance assignment). So, hopefully today's post will remedy that oversight.
10 years and one month ago, I started I've Been Mugged. Since then, plenty has happened with identity theft, privacy, data breaches, technology, and surveillance. This blog has been a good tool to organize news, resources, new threats, trends, and observations.
First, I'd like to thank all I've Been Mugged readers. I am grateful for your readership and for the comments you have submitted. We have explored together many interesting topics.
Second, I'd like to thank the bloggers and the consumer advocates I've met online. Without their suggestions and encouragement, The quality of I've Been Mugged posts wouldn't be as high. Some bloggers I'd like to thank by name: Pogo Was Right, Garrett Cobarr, Privacy Divas, the Privacy Crusader, Michael Krigsman, Drew McLelland, and Ronni Bennett (who leads by example far more than she realizes).
Third, it is a time for me to thank my guest authors, including R. Michelle Green. The reporters at ProPublica continue to provide content which is informative, insightful, and often not available anywhere else. Personally, it is hard at times that Bill Seebeck is no longer with us. For decades, Bill's deep experience in banking and public relations was a valuable resource.
And, I especially want to thank my wife, Alison. Without her support and flexibility, I couldn't write I've Been Mugged.
What's next? The rapid, constant pace of technological change provides plenty to blog about: privacy news, the Internet of Things (ioT), threats from hackers and government surveillance. Broadband services continue to evolve, so news about the FCC, net neutrality, and community broadband will continue to be hot topics, too. If it's a controversial issue that has privacy concerns, we'll cover it.
If you are a new visitor, there are several easy ways to explore my blog:
- The right column includes a tag cloud with subjects
- The right column also includes featured blog posts
- If you don't see a topic you want, try the search box on the right
- To find older blog posts, select Archives in the top horizontal navigation bar
- The right column includes a list of recent blog posts with comments by readers. Join a discussion today!
- You can easily follow Ive Been Mugged on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail. Tell your friends!
Congratulations, and best wishes for another decade of having one of the more interesting and eclectic blogs and for successfully defying entropy’s inexorable advance.
Posted by: Chanson de Roland | Tuesday, August 01, 2017 at 06:47 PM
Congratulations on having the foresight to write about such an important topic. And, of course, for the stamina and persistence to keep it going for so long!
Posted by: Michael Krigsman | Wednesday, August 02, 2017 at 09:44 AM
From a personal experience with your information being made vulnerable via a data breach to being a resource on all issues affecting privacy... Congratulations
Posted by: Lisbeth Shaw | Wednesday, August 02, 2017 at 04:25 PM
Much thanks to Roland, Michael, Lisbeth, and all readers. It has been an interesting experience. Far from dull. I was lucky enough to pick a topic that I am passionate about. That seems to be what a blogger needs to write consistently... daily... weekly... monthly. Sometimes issues literally, and figuratively, show up at my front door.
Posted by: George | Wednesday, August 02, 2017 at 04:42 PM
Congratulations on your anniversary.
We are all beneficiaries of your decision to take on this challenge ten years ago and are better informed as a result. Thank you for your commitment!
Posted by: Andre Robinson | Thursday, August 03, 2017 at 10:35 PM