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Google To Exit Weaponized Drone Contract And Pursue Other Defense Projects

Google logo Last month, protests by current and former Google employees, plus academic researchers, cited ethical and transparency concerns with artificial intelligence (AI) help the company provides to the U.S. Department of Defense for Project Maven, a weaponized drone program to identify people. Gizmodo reported that Google plans not to renew its contract for Project Maven:

"Google Cloud CEO Diane Greene announced the decision at a meeting with employees Friday morning, three sources told Gizmodo. The current contract expires in 2019 and there will not be a follow-up contract... The company plans to unveil new ethical principles about its use of AI this week... Google secured the Project Maven contract in late September, the emails reveal, after competing for months against several other “AI heavyweights” for the work. IBM was in the running, as Gizmodo reported last month, along with Amazon and Microsoft... Google is reportedly competing for a Pentagon cloud computing contract worth $10 billion."


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